Avalanche (AVAX)

The exchange rate of one AVAX at 14:37 UTC is 36.08$

Chart | Average rate

Growth trend
5 Days
Falling trend
2 Days
Flat trend
2 Days

“Avalanche” is a high-tech blockchain platform for launching decentralized finance systems and creating corporate crypto networks in a single scalable environment. At the same time, Avalanche supports all standard development tools for Ethereum, which contributes to a significant influx of new users.

Meanwhile, the transaction confirmation speed in the considered ecosystem is less than one second with a throughput of 4500 TPS. In September 2020, the AVAX cryptocurrency was successfully listed on the Binance exchange and many other major trading platforms, including Huobi Global, Bitfinex, KuCoin, Bittrex, OKEx, etc.

According to the creators, Avalanche is the first smart contract cryptosystem that surpasses its original Ethereum platform in all respects, supporting all modules of this network, including MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Remix and collectible NFT tokens.

The Avalanche infrastructure uses two consensus mechanisms, despite the fact that the entire blockchain is divided into three subnets:

- “platform chain” is used to form new subnets and track them

- “exchange chain” allows you to conduct cross-chain transactions between different blockchains and create new digital assets

- “contract chain” is used to form smart contracts based on Ethereum for any needs

The maximum emission of the AVAX native cryptocurrency is 720 million tokens, half of which will always remain in the main network in order to ensure the stability of the ecosystem. At the same time, support for the AVAX rate is implemented by burning fees for conducting payment transactions, but all participants also have the opportunity to receive additional coins for staking.

Of the obvious advantages of this project, it is worth noting:

- a worthy alternative to Ethereum, offering a virtually infinite level of scalability

- reasonable tokenomics, providing for the creation of an artificial scarcity

- a cryptocurrency wallet and the entire crypto network are the development of the Avalanche company

- a lot of open information about developers and technologies

At the same time, the launch of the updated Ethereum network may become a very big obstacle to the development of Avalanche, but so far the AVAX cryptocurrency is in the TOP-15 of the CoinMarketCap world rating with a market capitalization of more than $12 billion, which is an extremely high achievement for a relatively young project.