The exchange rate of one COTI at 16:13 UTC is 0.13191$

Chart | Average rate

Growth trend
5 Days
Falling trend
2 Days
Flat trend
3 Days

“COTI” is the native currency in the COTI ecosystem. It uses the “proof-of-trust” consensus to secure the network and is therefore energy efficient. The token can be used on three different networks: Trustchain, Ethereum and BNB Chain.

Trustchain: COTI's native mainnet.

Ethereum: COTI supports ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network. Therefore, COTI is traded on large exchanges and can be used by well-known wallets.

BNB network: COTI also exists on BEP-2 and BEP-20.


COTI is currently selling for around $0.12. There are 1.05 billion tokens in circulation out of a total supply of 2 billion tokens.

Distribution of tokens

Token sale: this applies to both private and public sales with a blocking period of up to 24 months. 30% of the total supply of tokens is allocated for the sale of tokens.

Reserve: the platform holds 22% of the total supply of tokens in its reserve. These tokens are used to accelerate growth and stabilize the network. In addition, COTI holders can purchase issued tokens from the reserve at a later date.

Team: they receive tokens as a reward for their early participation and ongoing efforts to stabilize the network. Tokens are locked for the first 6 months and then released quarterly for 24 months. The team also receives 15% of the total token supply.

Partners and consultants: they receive 10% of the total proposal amount in recognition of the resources they have contributed to the development of COTI projects.

Validators and users: 13% of the total token supply goes to network validators as a reward for their early participation in the project.

Liquidity: 10% of total supply will be awarded to provide liquidity to the growing COTI market.

COTI is mainly used to settle transactions within the ecosystem. This includes paying fees and staking. The network also offers a wide range of possible payments and other applications to increase the utility and stability of the tokens. In addition, COTI holders can deposit their funds into the DeFi staking treasury pool and earn rewards for doing so. COTI holders can use the bridge to transact between two different blockchains.

Token management

To run a full node, users must first deposit 100,000 COTI tokens into each node and set the fee they wish to charge per transaction. It is also possible to stake 250,000 COTI tokens, and in return manage an expanded node and receive 25% APY.

COTI node operators are remunerated for their services in a fair, efficient and flexible manner. Rewards are based on fee allocation mechanisms and staking requirements.