Dusk Network (DUSK)

The exchange rate of one DUSK at 14:07 UTC is 0.3495$

Chart | Average rate

Growth trend
5 Days
Falling trend
2 Days
Flat trend
2 Days

“Dusk Network” is a blockchain protocol that includes the Segregated Byzantine Agreement. It is designed to issue digital securities with automatic trading compliance and a strong focus on privacy. Of all the many application cases for Dusk Network, the main adoption strategy is focused on the security token offering (STO). The goal was to create a platform without intermediaries operating on regulated markets, while still retaining regulatory approval.

The main blockchain for STO must ensure the confidentiality of transactions and satisfy the requirements of regulators. Transactional privacy is one of the cornerstones of regulated markets.

For example, large movements of bitcoin from different wallets cause the volatility of bitcoin to move up or down depending on buying or selling. If bitcoin was a stock, then the transparency of the blockchain and transactions could be considered market manipulation. In a normal regulated market, this is considered a violation of the law.

Dusk Network is an open standard security token protocol. This makes Dusk free to use, which is a huge help for projects planning to launch STO.

The Dusk Network uses Zero-Knowledge cryptography to allow network participants to prove the correct outcome of a wide range of transactions (e.g., transaction of a legitimate amount of tokens, participating in a blind auction, proof of right to access a service, etc.), while requiring them to reveal their identity or any details of the transaction, providing proof of the correctness of the calculations without trust. Browser nodes are used to provide these various types of validation.

Dusk Network was founded in 2018 by Emanuele Francioni and Fulvio Venturelli and is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Emanuele Francioni - Former CEO of “Web 3 Ventures”, Founder of “Geosparc BV” and “Beestar”, Head of Research and Development at “TomTom”.

Fulvio Ventureli - Former CEO of “Web 3 Ventures”, “UNL” Technical Advisor, co-founder of “Bee Star”.

Dusk Network has partnered with “Reserve”, “Block Venture Coalition” and “Cipher Blade”. It is also associated with “BlackRock”, “Credit Suisse” and “TNW Financial Times” (“The Next Web”). We can expect bigger and more interesting additions to this line in the coming months and years.