Holo (HOT)

The exchange rate of one HOT at 13:14 UTC is 0.002196$

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“Holo” is a multi-purpose decentralized platform whose main goal is to create a space for hosting social applications. These applications will be hosted outside the centralized Internet through a P2P infrastructure based on cloud computing.

The Holo platform allows its users to host multiple distributed applications on their computers without any special hardware requirements or special knowledge. The platform compensates these users for income in the form of hosting prices.

Holo was founded by Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun. Arthur has worked as an AI specialist for Hughes, GM and Chrysler. He developed many financial systems. Eric has a background in software infrastructure. He is the co-founder of several cryptocurrency platforms.

Holo's central structure, entitled “Holochain”, is a blockchain system in which each node runs on its own separate blockchain. The entire blockchain functions with cryptographic keys that are unique to each node.

This concept eliminated the scalability issue in blockchains, where each node had to update its record on the public network. Since each node has its own blockchain, therefore no data is lost when a node goes offline.

Holochain uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to validate the data on each node blockchain. This table is maintained by the Holochain central chain. The developers explained this concept using an analogy with the DNA of living organisms. The hash table validates and stores data from a separate node blockchain, just as a living cell stores information in DNA.

“HoloFuel” is a crypto credit that users receive for their hosting services. HoloFuel is backed by shared computing power between hosts, which makes the network valuable, thereby increasing the purchasing power of loans.

All transactions on the platform are double-entry registered. Thus, its internal accounting system is similar to a balance sheet, where it is not allowed to mint, burn or mine coins. In this case, the positive and negative balances are always equal, and the net inflow of the Holo currency always remains zero.

The platform has a decentralized P2P architecture in which all nodes are different from each other. It uses the “proof-of-service” protocol to generate invoices for the services it offers. This system acts as a bridge between the centralized network and the blockchain.

The transaction process on the platform includes the purchase of hosting services by the application provider. Next, the host generates signed service logs and issues a PoS invoice. The application provider then pays in the form of hosting credits.

Every transaction a user makes is associated with a promise of a transaction fee. This is not a payment request. It is similar to the PoS process with the promise of payment.

When the amount of promised transaction fees reaches a predetermined amount, the next transaction fulfills those promised fees. This fee is the main source of income for the platform.

Through this handling of fees, Holo ensures that services are paid for and also ensures that fees are lower than those of competing platforms.

Holo promotes the concept of a the “Sharing Economy”. It allows users to create collaborative cooperatives and interact with more communities. They can share resources, no matter how small or large, through microtransactions offered by Holo.

For example, Holo offers a collaborative security system for the medical sector. The platform allows medical professionals to efficiently record and manage data, with analysis and processing.

Holo‘s P2P infrastructure allows users to use communication tools without being monitored, as in a centralized network. Users can send data between platforms through a healthy Holo ecosystem.

Holo contains features and uses concepts that set it apart from the competition.

For example, “HoloFuel”, an agent-based approach to cryptocurrency. It differs from the data-centric approach that many platforms operate on. This approach allows Holo to create an extremely efficient accounting system that operates without consensus-based allocation mechanisms.

Holo is designed for the average web user. It provides access to the power of the blockchain and decentralized applications without the need for any additional software. This hosting system allows users to use this platform without much technical knowledge about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

The platform is unique in that it connects the exchange of information with hosting. Its hosting model allows users to grow their business with minimal cloud hosting costs. It is committed to delivering business solutions using the potential of the cloud computing industry.

The project includes a blockchain network, an application developer community, a data hosting and sharing network, and a thriving community.