Kusama (KSM)

The exchange rate of one KSM at 13:14 UTC is 29.91$

Chart | Average rate

Growth trend
5 Days
Falling trend
2 Days
Flat trend
4 Days

“Kusama” is a high-speed ecosystem of specialized crypto networks created by analogy with the Polkadot project. In other words, this is a high-tech environment for decentralized application developers, which was launched in 2019 under the leadership of Gavin Wood, who is the creator of the “DOT” cryptocurrency.

The main feature of the Kusama project is the use of parachains, which are modernized next-generation blockchains that go beyond the capabilities of child networks that form the infrastructure of the global distributed web.

So far, most cryptosystems allow developers to create dApps only using smart contracts, while the site under discussion has full control over the blockchain, which gives complete freedom to optimize the latest software products.

Of the main advantages of parachains, it is worth noting:

- the possibility of choosing a variety of applications in the real economy

- great potential for creating unique digital services thanks to a high-speed data exchange ecosystem

- software update can be done in the background

- the prospect of using in the public banking sector of different countries by supporting work with almost all blockchain networks

- the ability to use the “Substrate” system to speed up the development and maintenance of dApps

- the option of renting parachain slots for up to 1 year with the possibility of its extension

In addition, on the basis of the Kusama platform, any participant can independently launch their own blockchain, endowed with the following advantages:

- fast integration with other projects

- low cost of services for launching startups

- the ability to deploy multi-threaded crypto networks of a new generation

- open community management without third party interference

- use of Polkadot's customer base

Meanwhile, the “KSM” cryptocurrency is the main means of payment on this platform, and its market capitalization level is now more than $3 billion, which allows it to enter the TOP-50 of the CoinMarketCap rating. In conclusion, it is important to note that with the help of the crypto platform in question, you can create many different services, including gaming applications, instant messengers, cryptocurrency exchanges, oracles, social networks, etc.