Litecoin (LTC)

The exchange rate of one LTC at 15:16 UTC is 82.38$

Chart | Average rate

Growth trend
5 Days
Falling trend
2 Days
Flat trend
2 Days

“Litecoin” is a universal peer-to-peer payment system launched in 2011 under the leadership of former Google employee Charlie Lee, whose main goal was to eliminate the main disadvantages of the Bitcoin crypto network, including slow transaction processing speed and severely limited scalability.

In general, the cryptocurrency “LTC” is a fork of “BTC”, but the main difference from this largest blockchain network is the use of its own hashing algorithm called “Scrypt” in the “Lightning” infrastructure, which allows cross-border payments to be made in a split second.

Moreover, on the basis of Litecoin, you can create your own cryptosystems, since the source code of this platform is freely available on GitHub. In addition, the mining of coins using the PoW protocol (using high-tech ASIC miners) is an integral part of the project under consideration, since the stability and speed of the entire blockchain depend on it.

Also, Litecoin is often called “digital silver”, due to the fact that many large corporations around the world accept this currency as payment for goods and services, despite the fact that there is already a whole global network of cryptomats through which you can instantly convert “LTC” to fiat money and vice versa.

To store this cryptocurrency, you can use many services, including:

- “Litecoin Core”, which is the official development of the company with support for the most popular operating systems Windows, Mac OS and Linux

- “Electrum”, which does not require downloading the entire blockchain and is compatible with all known crypto platforms

- “LoafWallet”, a mobile wallet for Android and iOS

- “Ledger”, a hardware cold crypto wallet with ultra-high security

In addition, this currency is compatible with the platforms: Exodus, Abra, Edge, Ledger, Coinomi, Trezor, Jaxx and so on.

To trade and exchange “LTC” coins, you can use many of the largest crypto exchanges, including FTX, Coinbase, Binance,, Bitfinex, KuCoin and Bithumb. Now this project is in the Top-20 of the “CoinMarketCap” list with a market capitalization of about $14 billion.

Summing up, it is worth noting that this ecosystem is now one of the leading in the crypto industry, despite the use of outdated blockchain technologies, as many companies already accept “LTC” for payment as regular fiat money.